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Belle is a boutique communication, public relations, engagement and marketing consultancy based in Cambridge and servicing the broader Waikato region. 

We build relationships.
We build reputations.
We influence.
We get results.  

Belle PR is a boutique communication, public relations, engagement and marketing consultancy based in Cambridge and servicing the broader Waikato region. 

We work with a broad mix of organisations to build brand awareness and identity, achieve meaningful engagement, create clever PR campaigns, strengthen credibility and trust, and communicate more effectively with the people that matter to their business or cause. 

Led by award-winning consultant Charlotte FitzPatrick (APR), our broad experience in communications, public relations, engagement and marketing spans many different industries and sectors including health, education, local government, agriculture, manufacturing, energy, and professional services to name a few.

Why choose Belle PR

Businesses engage with Belle PR for a range of reasons, and no two organisations ever have the same needs. Perhaps you're wanting to make the most of the opportunities ahead of you. Or you might have a challenge or issue to resolve.

It's important to work with a trustworthy partner with diverse experience, a strategic mind, a calm and considered approach, and evidence that they will deliver results. 

Belle PR offers something different and unique in that we're both strategic and creative in our public relations and communications approach. 

Ultimately, that means everything we work on meets the needs of your audience, has an impact, and will deliver great outcomes.

Check out Belle PR's latest blog

Can nature teach you to be a better communicator?

When you spend a decent amount of time in the bush like I have, you find a clear head for thinking and reflecting on things close to your heart. I love to explore our great outdoors. Hiking is myRead more

Conducting a website audit for your business

This week, Cushla shared how we conduct a website audit and the reasons why you should be doing a regular website audit for your business, too. Check out the video below. Consider these steps: RunRead more

Noplace: The New Social Media App for Gen Z

At Belle PR, we’re always looking for new industry trends that have the potential to transform the way we connect and interact with others.  Enter from stage left…. Noplace: make new friends, aRead more

The art of crisis management and why communication is key

Lessons from real-life failures Effective communication is more than just exchanging information—it's how organisations and brands build trust and loyalty, maintain a positive reputation, andRead more

Curious about Gen Z? Insights into a Gen Z mind

What are the unique and important attributes of Gen Z? Will these affect the success of your business? Well... As a Gen Z female myself and a keen digital gal at Belle PR, you’re getting theRead more

How Meta Business ads can boost your brand

In today's tough digital world, businesses are always trying to get noticed, connect with their audience, and grow. Meta Business Ads are a great way to reach customers, stakeholders, andRead more

Is social media still relevant?

Have you heard anyone say their 2024 New Year’s resolution was to decrease their screen and scrolling time? Team Belle have heard this a lot! However, research shows we’re not backing down justRead more

Network, network, network!

With “relationships” being one of our core values and the basis for our approach and how we work, networking has become an important tool for us to position our brand and support our clients. WeRead more

Can ChatGPT write all your business content for you?

Are you using ChatGPT to write social media posts, blog posts, media releases, website copy or news stories? Stop what you’re doing, right now. Artificial intelligence is completely changing theRead more

5 ways you can kickstart your planning for a successful 2024

We’re well and truly into 2024, and if you’re like us at Belle PR, you’ve hit the ground running and are already immersed in your day-to-day priorities. The beginning of a calendar year isRead more

Is PR a cost or investment?

Imagine this: You are sitting at your desk on a Friday afternoon, with the breeze drifting through your office. As you near the end of a busy week and look forward to heading home, an email with theRead more

Leveraging LinkedIn for your professional development

With over 930 million members on the largest professional social network, many professionals are not aware of the benefits that LinkedIn can provide to yourself as a professional and any business youRead more

You'll have an enjoyable experience working with Belle PR, and you'll feel supported to make the best decisions for your business.